Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Medjugorje Fallout - More Cancellations

It's becoming clearer, at least in a public way, where the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith stands while the case of Medjugorje remains with the Holy Father, with no indication we will hear his final discernment any time soon.

Two english language Medjugorje-promoting websites are reporting ecclesial intervention in Padova, Italy, bringing about a cancellation of an event by alleged visionary, Ivan Dragičević. 

Medjugorje Today reports, in part:

For the second time in 2015, an arrangement with visionary Ivan Dragicevic has been cancelled by the local Ordinary. Ivan was scheduled on May 22 near Padova, Italy, whose Archbishop explains that he is complying to the directives issued by the Vatican’s doctrinal office. Arrangements with Medjugorje visionaries are increasingly being cancelled. One day after Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic’s late May visit to Brazil was called off by organizers, visionary Ivan Dragicvic’s May 22 testimony and public apparition in Mestrino near Padova, Italy, was also cancelled. Whereas it is still uncertain if Vicka keeps from Brazil because the… [you have to pay $19/month to read the rest]

In a note on it's sidebar, the Crown of Stars blog says there were cancellations in South America of Marija's tour.

Another Medjugorje seer cancelled her visit to South America in January. Marija Pavlovic had been invited to witness in Nicaragua, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela but organisers gave notice that the seer had cancelled “due to personal reasons”.
Since Medjugorje sites like these rarely cite any references or link to online sources, I usually do a search, sometimes in other languages to find the material.  This time, I could find nothing.  However, looking at the search list, I noticed this from Ivan's 206 Tours page (note the "Missing: padova")

The 'apparition industry' is doing well when Ivan can book 8 tours from May 17 through November 8, with a minimum booking fee of $899 per person. May 17 is wait listed.  It's interesting that in the United States, the alleged visionaries of Medjugorje have been stopped, even at venues not on Church property, yet Ivan continues to give witness in the area surrounding Medjugorje, off Church property. Nothing short of a public statement, at least from the CDF will stop these things in the Medjugorje area, and elsewhere.  These tours would not survive if they did not come with an 'apparition' (even if no longer stated in the online site) and giving testimony that the Blessed Virgin Mary appears to them, when the Church has not made any such declaration.  This is presumption - the kind Bernadette avoided in Lourdes when she referred to the woman she saw as, "the  lady."  At the very least, she did not earn a living or even cover expenses through her apparitions.

Response to Wayne Weible's "Open Letter to the Papal Nuncio"

My friend, Kevin Symonds has taken the time to respond to an open letter published online by Wayne Weible, addressed to the Papal Nuncio about his letter to U.S. Bishops.

Go read Kevin's detailed response at Catholic Stand.

Blogging Update

I regret not having been blogging much in the past year, but I hope to be back at it soon enough, and with something new.  When I have time later this week, I plan to edit a short video I took during the May Crowning, and provide some photos sent by a fellow parishioner following First Holy Communion.

For interesting news items I don't have time to blog on, check out my Twitter Feed: @TeDeumBlog

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